Noblesse Chapter 490

Frankenstein hands over the controls of aeroplane to Tao.  Tao is glad to save at least one flight seeing that the recent flights used by them have been destroyed during trips. 

In a serious tone , Tao request for advanced payment! Karias and Rael also ask for same with Karias spending all his money on gifts for the ladies

Frankenstein inform Tao that he knows how the latter hacks his accounts and embezzle money. Tao is shocked to learn that Frankenstein was aware of it.. Tao cancel the call by acting as if he has lost signal. M-21 and Takeo sweat .

Rai, Frankenstein and Lunark leaves for Werewolves land...

Back in WWs land, 1st Elder is enjoying the feeling of moving unhindered in the land of one of the strongest race.

He arrives at the ruined castle of Maduke which symbolized the throne of WWs. He is surprised to see such a grand castle in ruins, but later correct himself that the ruined castle truly symbolize the current state of WW race: on their deathbed.

Juraki and Dorant arrives at the scene, and they question him about the attack and their identity.

1st Elder introduces himself as the King of Human Race who has come to the realm of werewolves to judge them.
Juraki identifies that the enemies are from Union,  and he stupidly question why is Union attacking them.

1st says that's such an unnecessary question as it was a matter of time that WWs and Union would have a face-off. It's just that the Union is making the first move. 

Juraki realize that the Union is attacking them as they have realized their current crisis.

Few unimportant characters make their appearance which ruin the mood of 1st Elder (again). 3rd Elder kills them...

Juraki launches an attack on 3rd which is blocked by Haydn. For the unknownth time we see WWs getting shocked after seeing their lame attack being blocked so easily...

Haydn brings with him the two defeated warriors much to the shock of Juraki and Dorant. 1st Elder ask Haydn if he enjoyed the hunt to which the latter answers in negative as the opponents were far too weak...

Juraki is burning with anger which makes 1st Elder amused.  He ask why would warriors like Juraki who sacrificed so many of innocents their own race are now angry at the death of few werewolves.

He wonders if the anger of Juraki is due to the latter's race being under attack.  Or is it because the attackers are humans...a race which has suffered countless tragedies due to the cruelty of Werewolves.

For too long humans were suppressed...

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